Last modified: July 29, 2020
Book Clubs
Book Clubs meet with the teacher (usually Mrs. McKee) on Mondays & Wednesdays afternoons. All Book Clubs are listed by book name. Each group is assigned a certain amount of pages to read before book clubs meet again. In addition to the pages assigned to read, each student is also assigned a job in their book club booklet. The reading and assigned job should be completed by the due date (which is the next day the book clubs are scheduled to meet.) As tempting as it may be, STUDENTS SHOULD NEVER READ AHEAD of the assigned pages in their book but stay with their group.
If a student is unsure of what their next book club job will be, it is the next job listed in their booklet. For example: if they were the Director last time, the next job would be Critic, or if they were the Casting Manager, the next job would be the Director.
- Book Name:
- Assignment:
- Date Date:
- Book Name:
- Assignment:
- Date Date: