Last modified: May 19, 2023
Rock Canyon’s Media Center
Library Links
Library Hours
- Mon.-Thurs. 8:15-3:45
- Friday 8:15-8:45-1:15-1:45
Library Policies and Procedures
Students visit the library once a week with their class to listen to a story, practice library skills, and check out books.
Kindergartners check out one book , first and second graders may check out two books; third through sixth grade may check out four books.
Books are checked out for one week and may be renewed for an additional week as long as no one has requested the title. Books must be returned in order to check out more items.
Overdue notices are sent out at the end of each month.. While there is no fine for overdue books, if a book is lost or damaged it must be paid for. The replacement cost of the book is quoted on the overdue notice. The payment will be refunded if a lost book is found and returned during the current school year. Provo School District requires all students wishing to check out a young adult book to have a parent or guardian sign a permission slip. Provo School District requires all students wishing to check out a young adult book to have a parent or guardian sign a permission slip.
Once Upon a Time
Class Schedules
Bigelow, McKee/Paxman,Jones, Metclaf,Pitts
Stewart (am), Wilkins, Eldredge, Neilson, Niccoli, Wrigley, Fueger, Jensen
Durney,Barnum,Bracha, Harrington, Stewart (pm), Murray