Última modificación: 6 de enero de 2025
Coro de concierto
Concert Choir is looking for students who love to sing and learn and get up early two mornings a week for rehearsals! Students who are in the 4th, 5th and 6th grades qualify. There are no auditions. This is a performance group that will be performing a Winter and Spring concert. This choir continues throughout the entire year. If your student is thinking about trying choir and then dropping out if they don’t like it–please don’t sign up. It is a pretty big commitment to get to rehearsal two mornings a week at 7:35am. Parents, if your student joins, then wants to quit midway, please encourage them to finish the year if possible and then not sign up next year.
Animamos a los alumnos del coro que participaron el año pasado a que se apunten de nuevo. Estos estudiantes son cantantes afinados y serán buenos mentores para los miembros más jóvenes del coro.
¡Estoy deseando empezar/continuar trabajando con sus excepcionales alumnos!
Sra. Christensen
Información de contacto: meganch@provo.edu 801.374.4935 ext. 2317
- Quién: 3º a 6º curso
- Cuando: Martes y jueves
- La hora: 7:35-8:25
- Dónde: Gimnasio
- Comienzan los ensayos: Jan 14
- Performance: Mar 25, 6:30pm
- Último día de coro: 27 de marzo
- Festival de Coros Elementales del Distrito: Mar 13