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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

For this week’s Teacher Highlight we want to welcome Mrs. Cheeseman!

This is actually Mrs. Cheeseman’s third year here at Rock Canyon, but is in a new position! She is our STEM lab teacher! Students go to her classroom every other week to work on different S.T.E.A.M. projects. Having this new class offered has all of the students very excited. Stayed tuned to see more about the STEM lab!

Mrs. Cheeseman is a giant board game lover. It is her favorite thing to do with her family and friends. She loves to travel and even lived in Thailand for a time and taught English. If she had it her way, she would go to Disneyland for all her breaks. We are so happy you’re here, Mrs. Cheeseman!


At the November 12, 2024 school board meeting, the Provo City School District Board of Education approved a new Policy 4200: Fostering Ideal Learning Environments: Electronic Device Restrictions....

Dear Rock Canyon families, Thank you again to all who helped make Red Ribbon Week such a SUCCESS!  The Dunk Team was a HIGHLIGHT! Thank you, Crossing Guards! We are so grateful for the...

Our fourth graders made storyboards in STEM in partnership with BYU. Students started by learning about circuits. With that knowledge students were able to wire their storyboard to light up when...
