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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Rock Canyon Announcements

SEP Conferences February 26th – 28th

SEP conferences are February 26-28. We will have early out those days. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child's teacher. SEP conference sign ups

Spirit Friday

Wear school shirts or school colors every Friday to show your Rock Canyon pride!

Rock Canyon News

It's time to purchase your Extravaganza punch tickets! You can pick up your pre-purchased tickets on Thursday, May 2nd, after school in the church parking lot north east of our school. These Punch...

We have just ONE WEEK left to gather all donations for each of out classes themed baskets for the Extravaganza. These themed baskets will be put up for silent auction throughout the event. As a...

This Week at Rock Canyon - 4/22 - 4/26 4/23 - Cross Country after school 4/24 - Rise Testing - 4th & 5th Grade 4/25 - Rise Testing - 4th Grade 4/25 - Cross Country after school...

5th Grade had their annual States Fair! In 5th Grade, the Social Studies curriculum is focused on all things United States of America. Each student was assigned a state that they researched and...

The April BEEPS Newsletter has been updated on our main page. Please take the time to read through all of the newsletter as it has important information and announcements! As always, please feel free...

This Week at Rock Canyon - 4/15 - 4/19  4/15 - Spectacular Battle of the Books 3rd/4th @8:45 am  4/16 - Spectacular Battle of the Books 5th/6th @ 1:00 pm  4/16 - Cross Country after...

We love all of our Super ELL Readers! We have a special program here at Rock Canyon where our ML (multi-lingual) students are able to pick a book, read it at home with their family, write or draw a...

6th Grade Science curriculum covers Eclipses, and so Mrs. Risk’s 6th graders were lucky to be able to experience the partial eclipse yesterday! They also watched the live feed from NASA and got to...
