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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Rock Canyon Announcements

SEP Conferences February 26th – 28th

SEP conferences are February 26-28. We will have early out those days. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child's teacher. SEP conference sign ups

Spirit Friday

Wear school shirts or school colors every Friday to show your Rock Canyon pride!

Rock Canyon News

We had such a great first STEAM Family Night on Monday! Thank you to EVERYONE who showed up, it was such a great turn out. From making catapults to shoot little pumpkins all the way to making slime,...

4th grade learning about FLOWERS! They learned there are different kinds of flowers - simple and complex. They each took a simple flower and a complex flower and dissected it, labeling the different...

This week at Rock Canyon 11/6 - 11/10 11/6 - Family STEAM Night @ 6:00 pm - @ 7:30 pm 11/9 - Hearing Screening in the KIVA 11/10 - Friday Early Dismissal @ 1:30...

4th Grade knows how to throw a Halloween Party! From making yummy treats to science projects to even Fear Factory challenges, they did it all! We saw some very brave kids as they were trying to grab...

This months BEEPS Newsletter has been posted! Please take the time to read through it to get updated on important information! As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out...

The Halloween fun continues! We love seeing the creativity behind the costumes each year! Don’t they look amazing?! Head to our social media pages to see...

Happy Halloween! We had a day full of Halloween fun (more posts to come about all of the festivities)! One of Rock Canyon’s longest traditions has been the Halloween Parade. We love being able to...

This Week at Rock Canyon 10/31 - Halloween Parade @ 1:15 10/31 - 5th & 6th Grade - Classic Skating Field Trip 11/1 - Kindness Club @ 3:30 pm - Lunchroom 11/1 - Student Council...
