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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Rock Canyon Announcements

SEP Conferences February 26th – 28th

SEP conferences are February 26-28. We will have early out those days. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child's teacher. SEP conference sign ups

Spirit Friday

Wear school shirts or school colors every Friday to show your Rock Canyon pride!

Rock Canyon News

This Week at Rock Canyon 12/11 - 12/15 12/11 - 12/15 - Food Drive/KSL Quarters for Christmas. Grade Level competition 12/13 - Hope Squad (time TBD)  12/15 - Early Dismissal at 1:30...

Chess Club after school! Has your student ever wanted to join one of our AfterSchool clubs or programs? Reach out to the Main Office for more...

Did you see us on KSL? Thanks for the shoutout @kslnews We have now filled over 8 barrels of food and we have raised just over $1,000.00! If you missed the short clip of us being featured, head...

We were absolutely BLOWN AWAY at the Concert Choir’s Christmas performance. These kids clearly worked so hard and brought so many of us truly to tears it was so incredible. None of this would be...

This Week at Rock Canyon - 12/4 - 12/8 12/4 - 12/8 - Food Drive/KSL Quarters for Christmas - FACULTY/STAFF vs. STUDENTS 12/5 - Rock Canyon Concert Choir Performance @ 6:00 pm in the gym...

These gingerbread people are making our halls ready for the holidays! Thanks 5th grade for the fun...

Congratulations to our 9 Reflections winners for this year! All of their entries were so creative. The theme for this year was, “I am hopeful because…”. You can find all the winners’ pictures...

Our 6th Graders did a fabulous job in their Greek Plays! They worked so hard to memorize all of their lines and it was just so fun to see all of their hard work pay...

On Colonial Day our 5th graders learned how to tie quilts. Here is the finished product, we are so proud of them! The quilts will be donated to the Humanitarian Center in Salt Lake City. Our students...
