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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

We are so excited to welcome Mrs. Yenchik to Rock Canyon! She has subbed for Provo City School District for 5 years, but we now get to claim her as our new Wellness Coach!

Mrs. Yenchik has 4 daughters and she loves to go running and play basketball. She also really enjoys traveling and her favorite and coolest place she has ever been is Malta!

Welcome Mrs. Yenchik! We are so excited to have you!!


Message from the PTA Spirit Week is coming up on March 17th-21st! We will kick off the week by having another Classic Skating family night on Monday, March 17th. Thank you all for making our last...

Our 5th and 6th graders participated in the STEM Fair. We loved seeing our students creative projects. From Elephant Toothpaste, to paper airplanes, and the effects of yeast, our students were able...

Free after school programs After school enrichment programs have begun! These free programs provide activities that help children explore and discover new talents. In the process, we hope the...
