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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Message from the PTA

Spirit Week is coming up on March 17th-21st!

We will kick off the week by having another Classic Skating family night on Monday, March 17th. Thank you all for making our last one such a success.

On Friday, March 21st we are looking forward to our all-school field trip to SCERA Center for the Arts where we will honor our Golden Apple recipient.

Watch for an email with dress-up days coming soon.


An email went out last week about our school’s only fundraiser, the Extravaganza. We are still looking to fill a few more co-chair positions. In order to make this a success we need you!

Thank you for all your support and volunteer hours! ________________________________

Library Corner

Spelling Bee

In January, we held our school spelling bee. Our champion was Savannah Terry! Owen Kerry received second place, and Edith Christopherson and Yutaro Sugahara tied for third place. Savannah and Owen will go on to compete in the regional battle that will be held on March 8th.

Thanks to Dr. Brock (pronouncer), Angela Colton (record keeper), Catherine Grames  (ZOOM) Mrs. Brown (stage assistant), and our custodians (set-up). We are so proud of all the students who participated: Bear Bateman, Bode Brewer, Betty Bushell, Jude Klakring, Maddix Smith, Lincoln Brown, Cannon Buckner, Travis Pulido, Nicole Schofield, Heston Ige, Olivia Bradford, Eve Gardner, Audyn Harris, Thomas Pulido, Vivien Oteo, Calvin Kwarm, Raelyn Bushell, Lars Priddis, Cohen Moyer, and Keoa Kuia.

Battle of the Books

We will have our final battles during the week of March 10! You can assist your child by asking questions about the books they’ve read for the battle or memorizing the title and authors of their books.

In November, Rock Canyon received a mini-grant of $400 from the Provo City School District Foundation to purchase books for the library’s STEAM (Science,Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) collections. In February, the students gave their input on books to purchase. Chosen topics included science experiments, cookbooks, transportation, and biographies of inventors. We are so excited to add them to our library collection! ________________________________

Kindness Club and Hope Squad

It’s hard to believe, but we only have two more meeting dates this school year!

The Kindness Club will meet after school on March 6 and April 10.

Hope Squad students will meet on March 20 and April 17 during lunch.


Calendar items

  • March 6: Kindness Club meeting
  • March 8: Regional Spelling Bee
  • March 10-13: Final battles for Battle of the Books
  • March 14: End of Term 3; no school (professional development day)
  • March 17-21: Spirit Week
  • March 17: Family skate night at Classic Skating
  • March 21: All-school field trip to SCERA Center for the Arts
  • March 20: Hope Squad meeting
  • March 26: PTA meeting
  • March 31- April 4: Spring Break, no school

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