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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Free after school programs

After school enrichment programs have begun! These free programs provide activities that help children explore and discover new talents. In the process, we hope the children will also develop a love for learning as well as valuable skills that will help them succeed throughout life, such as creativity, confidence, self-discipline, the ability to solve problems and working together as a team. Our classes provide a safe environment for children to enjoy enrichment activities and to socialize with their peers.

Programs are available Monday-Thursday for students in Kindergarten through the 6th grade.  Please refer to the list of classes on the Rock Canyon website to see what we are offering this semester.  You may see more detailed information about each class by clicking on the name of each class.  To register for classes, simply fill out the online enrollment form.  Please direct questions to

Support Rock Canyon with Boxtops

A simple way to support Rock Canyon is to use the Box Tops App!

Whether you shop online or in store, you can use Box Tops to earn cash for Rock Canyon. You can learn more at and download the app today!

Kindness Club and Hope Squad

Our next Kindness Club meetings will be held on February 13, March 6, and April 10. Students can only pick up their t-shirt during Kindness Club, so please remind them to come! NOTE: Students will need to be picked up by 4:00 pm (outside by the cafeteria doors, behind the school).

Hope Squad student leaders will have their next meeting on January 23 during lunch, 12:15-1:00 pm. Hope Squad students will bring their home/school lunch to eat while meeting together to plan school-wide Kindness activities.

School Safety

It’s important that every child feels like they belong and are safe at school. Please remind your students to talk to an adult if something is happening. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school or your student’s teacher if you have any concerns we can help you with. Any student or parent can report anonymous tips directly to the principal if they are aware of bullying or other safety concerns at our school. These tips can be sent 24-7 through the app or online


We completed our ProvoReads program in December. Our final book recipients were: Ruby Leavitt, Jacob Walker, Noelani Eubanks, Pablo Ponce, Miles McDonals, James Wood, Collin Gerstner, and Oliver Smith. We are so proud of all our students who participated!

Battle of the Books

This month kicks off the first round of scoring battles between teams. Each month teams will compete in battles in their classrooms and we will score each round. These first scores will be added to the next two battles held in February and March. The highest scoring team will be declared the school champions and will go on to compete in the district Battle of the Books in April. We have 122 students participating this year, comprising 26 teams!

The teachers and Dr.Brock are also preparing to battle the champions in April. Read, read, read! Battle books may be checked out from our library, SORA and the Provo Library. Best of luck to everyone!

Scripps Spelling Bee

Classrooms are completing their class spelling bees.  ach class will submit their two finalists for the school bee on January 29. Information will be sent home to the parents of the finalist by January 21 regarding the school bee. Best of luck to all our students!


Overdue notices are sent out at the end of every month. Please check your emails and remember books need to be returned or renewed each week as books are on loan for one week.

Your friend in books, — Mrs. Meibos


Message from the PTA Spirit Week is coming up on March 17th-21st! We will kick off the week by having another Classic Skating family night on Monday, March 17th. Thank you all for making our last...

Our 5th and 6th graders participated in the STEM Fair. We loved seeing our students creative projects. From Elephant Toothpaste, to paper airplanes, and the effects of yeast, our students were able...

Parent Night 2025 Find Support For topics related to mental health, substance abuse, suicide prevention, and internet safety (including how to enable parental controls on your child’s...
