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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Last modified: May 28, 2020

Classroom Quick Facts

Personal Belongings:

Please have your child clearly mark their coat, backpack, and lunch box with their name. This helps us to more easily locate lost or misplaced items here at school. Please do not allow your child to bring items from home (especially electronics) that do not belong at school. They can be very disruptive to our learning environment and are easily broken or misplaced. As per school policy, students at Rock Canyon are not allowed to bring cell phones to school.


One of my goals this year is to help prepare your child for the transition into middle school and beyond. One way that you can help your child prepare is to encourage them to be responsible in completing and turning in their homework on time, and then checking their grades on PowerSchool to make sure that everything is complete. Checking PowerSchool is a habit that will benefit your child all the way through high school. If they have not started this habit yet, this is a great time to start. There is a link to PowerSchool in the sidebar under Important Links. Please contact the school or me if you have any problems logging in.


It is critical to your child’s success that he or she completes all assigned homework. You can plan on daily math & reading homework and periodic other assigned work or projects. I try not to assign homework over weekends or holiday breaks. I will accept late homework, but there will be a deduction in points.


You are welcome to send in a store-bought birthday treat for your child to share with the class if you would like. We currently have 29 students.

Absences/Absent Work:

While I understand important matters may prevent your child from attending school, please make every effort to have them here and on time each day. If at all possible, please schedule vacations and trips during our school holidays or over summer vacation. It is difficult for me to prep work for absent children days in advance. Your child can plan on picking up their make-up work when they return to school, and they will have a week to complete it before it will be considered late. It is the student’s responsibility to get the missing work from the appropriate folders and copy any notes they missed from a classmate.

Contact Me:

I feel very strongly about being available to talk about any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact me at school at 801-374-4935 before or after class (not during the school day please) or email me at You can also check my website for our class schedule, important dates and information, updates, etc. The website can be accessed from our school site at
