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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Rock Canyon Elementary School News : News

It’s a pretty quiet week this week at Rock Canyon! Our students are busy working hard in their new classrooms and having fun learning new things! Kindergarten will continue to be dismissed at...

Calling all artists--Reflections entries due online at by Friday, October 13. Encourage your children to enter with unique art based on the theme, "I Am Hopeful...

We had our first Fire Drill of the year today! When we do the Fire Drills our goals are to get outside quickly, in an orderly fashion, and quietly! It was a beautiful day to practice this important...

Happy first day of school to our Kindergartners! There were so many happy smiling faces today. We hope you love being a Roadrunner! We are so happy you’re...

We are so excited to welcome Mrs. Yenchik to Rock Canyon! She has subbed for Provo City School District for 5 years, but we now get to claim her as our new Wellness Coach! Mrs. Yenchik has 4...

Each Monday, whenever you see the above picture, you will find a quick overview of what’s happening at our school for the week! August 21st - August 25th 8/21 - Marathon-in-a-Month starts!...

Calling all parents! We want YOU to join our PTA! If you are interested in joining our PTA, please head into the Main Office to fill out the form. We would love to have you! Please feel free to reach...

Welcome back ROADRUNNERS! Our students are already back and hard at work! We are excited for to make this a great 2023-2024 school...

Here is a breakdown of what our school schedule and dismissal times will look like for the first couple weeks of school! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Main...
