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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Rock Canyon Elementary School News :

We had an art truck stop by our school from the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art! The art exhibit was called, "Stronger Shines the Light Inside". The kids were able to go in there and learn more about...

Our 2nd Graders just finished their "The Best Part of Me" project! It is so fun to see all of their cute pictures and to read what they wrote about their "best part"! If you haven't already, come...

This month for STEAM night we had Battle of the Bridges! We had so many families come and build bridges with each other. There were certain rules that everyone had to follow to then see how strong of...

4th Grade had a Ski Day up in Sundance to teach the kids how to ski! Thank you to Sundance for letting our 4th graders come and learn from some of the best. What a beautiful place we live...

Today is Dr. Seuss Day and our Kindergarteners had a BLAST celebrating. They celebrated by playing Dr. Seuss games, reading Dr. Seuss books, eating Dr. Seuss treats, and taking pictures with Dr Seuss...

Our 6th graders were able to go to the Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake for a field trip today! There were so many hands-on activities, they watched a 3D movie and were taught a lot about space,...

It's time for Battle of the Books! Our classes have been working so hard! This is one of our 5th grade classes competing. Both teams did great! Keep an eye out for more updates as the Battle of the...

One of our 3rd Grade classes had a blast while they played glow-in-the-dark volleyball during P.E. A few students even said that it was their favorite activity they have ever...
