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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

We had such a fun and great STEAM night. The activities for this month’s STEAM activity night were centered around Art and Math. The Art Stations were: 1) making a cube 2) making fluffy slime 3) making a journal and a lock box activity. The Math Stations were 1) Race to 100 2) Fill in the Shapes 3) Rhombus Challenge 4) Broken Calculator and lastly a Flying Bats activity. Once families completed 5 different stations, they were able to turn their sign off paper in for a prize! Thank you to everyone who came out and made out STEAM night such a success! We can’t wait for our next one. Watch out on our website and our social media channels for when we announce our next STEAM night.

boys working on math station families doing math station boys making cubes at art center families at art center families at math station families at cube station


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