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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

During this Christmas season, we wanted to make sure our dear elves were recognized!

Mrs. Miller’s third grade class had the chance to create their own “elf.” They put a picture of themselves on their art and then drew what their elf looked like around their picture. They also introduced their elf by stating their name, their elf specialty and how many years they have helped Santa.

These third grade students had so much fun getting to introduce their elf and they loved that their elf was able to be recognized this holiday season!


The 6th grade classes have been working on “engineering” in their STEM class. They were tasked to see if they could make a circle out of chips. Pretty...

This Week at Rock Canyon - 4/29 - 5/3 4/30 - Rise Testing - 3rd & 6th 4/30 - Student Council Meeting @3:30 pm in Mrs. Risk's classroom 5/1 - Rise Testing - 3rd, 4th, & 5th 5/2 -...

It's time to purchase your Extravaganza punch tickets! You can pick up your pre-purchased tickets on Thursday, May 2nd, after school in the church parking lot north east of our school. These Punch...
