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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

We have ANOTHER amazing second grade teacher added to our Rock Canyon family and we are so grateful to have her.


Mrs. Strobehn is a mom to two wonderful boys, Maddox and Kingsley, and they are her whole world.

She loves to draw with charcoal and is currently in the slow process of setting up an Etsy shop for it!

Her favorite days are rainy days, and she loves to make popcorn and snuggle up with her family to watch a good movie on those days.

Mrs. Strobehn loves reading and doing awful accents and she really misses the days in the library when she got to do story time.

Her favorite things right now is her classroom full of rainbows, being newly married, and spending lots of time with her family of four.

We are so excited to have her here at Rock Canyon. We love her and are so grateful for her!


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It's time to purchase your Extravaganza punch tickets! You can pick up your pre-purchased tickets on Thursday, May 2nd, after school in the church parking lot north east of our school. These Punch...
