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Provo City School District

Rock Canyon Elementary School

Ms. Bracha was so excited to meet her new first grade class! The first week of school was super exciting for both her and her new first grade students!

The first week of school her first grade students learned all about Rock Canyon and being in school longer than when they were in Kindergarten, they learned how to use their new Chromebooks and how they will use them this year, and they did such a fun name activity together to compare the lengths of their names.

They are so excited to be back in school and meeting all their new first grade friends. We are happy they are here!


The 6th grade classes have been working on “engineering” in their STEM class. They were tasked to see if they could make a circle out of chips. Pretty...

This Week at Rock Canyon - 4/29 - 5/3 4/30 - Rise Testing - 3rd & 6th 4/30 - Student Council Meeting @3:30 pm in Mrs. Risk's classroom 5/1 - Rise Testing - 3rd, 4th, & 5th 5/2 -...

It's time to purchase your Extravaganza punch tickets! You can pick up your pre-purchased tickets on Thursday, May 2nd, after school in the church parking lot north east of our school. These Punch...
